Goodies from the Easter Bunny
Playing with her sit to stand walker
Reading the Elmo Bunny Hop with Grandpa Bob
Mmmmm, Milk on Easter morning
Sitting pretty in her Easter dress
She really loved looking at her dress!
"Do I have to wear this bow all day, Mom?"
Matt and Cecilia on Easter
Family picture (kind of)
Since we have had on and off weather we haven't been able to go for many walks, but the one we did Cecilia made sure to sport her new sunglasses!
As I have reported before, Cecilia if constantly moving! Matt and I are purchasing little toys and making up games to keep her busy. We recently purchased Cecilia and toy drum. Well, she loved it so much that she would not put it down the first 24 hours she had it. She even had to bring it to Panera Bread with her!
We all recently went to Gavin's house for Gavin's birthday party. There was a lot of activity for Cecilia so she mostly just sat back and watched, but all the adults and kids had fun!Gavin and Bill
Lila enjoying her cupcake
Hanging out with uncle Mitch
Getting in on the action with uncle Mitch
All the kiddies hanging out with auntie Bubbles (aka Lezlie)
Gavin and his new binaculars for his playset
Two pictures are better than one with Grandpa Mike
Playing with cousin Brittany
Gavin racing against Jack
Jack is focused!
Lastly, Cecilia can now roll over from her back to her stomach! She's been so close for a few weeks and can now finally roll over. However now that she learned how she likes to roll over when you're trying to get her to sleep, she thinks it's quite funny.